Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Another Step

Yesterday Sally and I closed all our commercial bank accounts and opened a new, e-checking account with a small, neighborhood bank that exists to reinvest in North and Northeast Portland. Today we took the MAX downtown after work and deposited the last of our funds from our former bank to the credit union where the bulk of our funds have been held. It feels good.

We have more such moves to make. Following Netflix's 60% fee increase we cancelled that service. Red Box is fine, should we need it. In the month's ahead we will switch cell phone companies to put our money, mouths and ears into an organization that emphasizes corporate social responsibility.

OK. All this is a drop in the bucket. And our hands are not clean. We are continuing the effort to downsize and simplify. Doing without is often a responsible choice, but isn't much fun. Still, we are determined to continue making decisions that put our beliefs and values into action. Our banking choice was just another step.

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