Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Quite a week...

I noticed that it has been a week since I last posted anything here. It isn't that there is nothing to post about, you see, but rather the opposite. We've been busy.

Last week I worked on cleaning and sorting, which was overdue. Then, caught up in the adrenaline of it all, I decided to finish the sill between the kitchen and the living room. I'm not sure how a project that has lain dormant for two years becomes a priority, but there you are. On Wednesday I installed the oak planks. On Thursday, with Sally's assistance, the trim and moldings were added. I topped it all with two coats of polyurethane and called it good.

Friday featured clearing up the mess from this project and some general cleaning. When Sally got home from work we switched our attention to getting packed for the Megan and AJ Wedding Weekend in the Tri-Cities. Evan and Angie flew in Friday night and we all headed southwest to Richland.

I have performed quite a few weddings myself, but was privileged to be the father of the bride for the first time. What a joy! Everything went quite well. We made new friends and caught up with some long-time ones. We returned Sunday evening and got Evan and Angie back on a plane to Omaha yesterday mornng at 6:30.

The remainder of the day yesterday comprised laundry punctuated by naps and bites of the cherry pie Sally baked on Thursday. Morning came earlier than usual today, and I've spent most of the day reading. With Megan and AJ's wedding behind us I realize that the summer is at an end. With the arrival of the Equinox I'll take the opportunity to look back, and then forward. Stay tuned.


  1. congrats to Megan and AJ! And that is a lovely new kitchen sill. Sometimes, we just get that itch to finish something.

  2. absolutely beautiful! both the house work and the wedding picture
