Monday, January 17, 2011

MLK Holiday

I was sorry to hear that Steve Jobs has had to take another medical leave from Apple. I'm wondering if there's any truth to the rumor that he announced the decision by twittering "iSick".

The weather in Spokane has turned downright balmy. It was a record 51 yesterday, and close to that today. Most of the snow has melted, and the roads have dried, laying bare the studded-tire-carved pavement beneath. We've enjoyed a day off, but tomorrow will return to what I will henceforth term, "The Rut Race".

Sally has coped with her cabin fever by engaging in a series of projects of which I am the grateful beneficiary, as long as she doesn't ask for any assistance. So far today she has put a couple more coats of finish on Dad's rocking chair, prepared Machaca beef in the slow cooker, and baked a bread pudding. She had another project or two in mind. Amazing.

On the other hand, THIS is my idea of a major project.

There. Finished.

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