Saturday, April 24, 2010

Back in (the Coffee) Business

A replacement seal for the Presso coffeemaker came in the mail yesterday, and I'm pleased to report that the contraption was back at its best this morning. In its absence we've been drinking brew from one or another of our three French press pots (2 cup, 4 cup, and 6 cup). The biggest problem with coffee from a French press comes when you forget what you're doing and throw back the last of the cup, thereby consuming an ounce or so of coffee sludge. Further, I feel presses use a higher quantity of beans per cup, and dislike cleaning up the grounds afterward.

I briefly toyed with getting back into the high end espresso business, considering a range of semi-automatic and manual espresso machines. I admit to being cowed by the initial investment cost. Truth is, I also like using our eccentric little Presso. Cost of this repair: a $5 seal plus $8 for shipping from Ontario. Sweet! And so is the coffee.

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