Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Groundhog Day

Apparently we're in for six more weeks of winter -- at least that's the word that comes to us from the disciples of Punxsutawney Phil, the nation's best known rodent weather forecaster. In scanning the news this morning, I was reminded that there are many denominations of rodent forecaster disciples, including the ardent followers of Staten Island Chuck, Octorara Orphie (Quarryville, PA), and Sammi II (Monroe County, PA). Pennsylvania is the hotbed of groundhog faith, with 17 Grundsau Lodges (Pennsylvania Dutch for groundhog) comprising some 5,000 adherents.

Of course, there is no evidence that any of these sciurid oracles are any more accurate than long range weather forecaster Randy Mann, but then, you know that isn't important. Believers don't like to be bothered with evidence and the like. It's faith that truly matters.

I wonder if there are any Pennsylvania prophesies about the Woodchuck to Come, the One who will be able to ponder His shadow and determine if humans are contributing to climate change? Maybe if we could get climatology out of the shadow of science and into the clear light of devotion someone would believe in it.

Until then, we'd better be putting our wraps on. Punxsutawney Phil says we're in for six more weeks of winter. Six weeks... that would take us just about to the Vernal Equinox....

I believe!

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