So much for my resolution on posting regularly.
It's been a good week. Evan and I have hung out, done some shopping, and generally enjoyed ourselves. Just before the lad came home I told Sally that there was no reason why he and I couldn't enjoy ourselves without spending money. Like my intentions on blogging, this resolution turned out to be short-lived, as Evan talked me into an update for our computer operating system within 18 hours of his stepping off the plane. Oh well.
In addition to our computer play, we endeavored to make some space in the house for a visit from Megan and a friend from the Tri-Cities, coming up to hear a band on Saturday night. This required us to sort through Evan's stuff to the extent necessary to reveal the futon against the back wall of the basement, no mean feat given that all of his worldly possessions were stacked in boxes in the center of the room.
In the midst of this sorting it became obvious to me that what we needed was a new couch. You may not immediately see the connection. I know Sally didn't. At any rate, I convinced her to join me in an outing, and we trundled off to Costco. They had exactly the couch I wanted (and

which I convinced Sally she wanted, almost), and so we bought it. The next question? How were we to get an eight-foot box of couch home from Costco? Well, they had twine and scissors, so we tied the couch onto the roof of the Subaru.
We drove home at speeds upward of 15 mph, checking every once in a while to make sure the couch was still there. And now it's here, a new addition to our weird collection of furnishings.
Given all this activity, and a spate of meetings at the Unitarian Church, you can see why I was too distracted to post to the blog. Sorry. But from now on I'm going to --
What? There's a big bike sale at REI?
I'll write more later.
Yes, and isn't there a saying about "good intentions"?