Friday, July 3, 2009

A Time for Everything. As to place....

At our house, it's always time for coffee. Whether using the eccentric Presso pot to make shots, the old Barista machine, one of the two french presses, or the 10-cup automatic drip pot, it's always time for coffee.
Honestly, I think I enjoy making it as much as I do drinking it, which is why these past weeks have been challenging. The loss of a dedicated coffee preparation area is a seeming hardship.

That brings us to the question of place. Where is the best place for coffee preparation? A flat spot for the equipment is required, as is access to electricity for the grinder and brewer, fresh water, and a trash receptacle. Given these criteria, I selected the top of the washing machine in the basement as my coffee spot during our remodeling work. It seemed fine, until this morning.

There may be a reason why the masses have not adopted the practice of making their coffee atop their washing machine. I spilled some coffee grounds this morning. Not too many. Just a few. However, I now realize that coffee grounds breed like rabbits. I learned this when starting a load of laundry once Sally and I finished breakfast. I opened the little door for the detergent, fabric softener and bleach dispensers, and found that each had been transformed into a coffee storage and dispensing facility. I tried my best to clean it all out, to little effect.

So I'm washing the load on "hot".


  1. Good luck...I remember when I used to make small quilts that I heard a suggestion to "age" the quilt by washing it in coffee.

  2. Just think about how delicious your clothes will all smell, as though you've been hovering over a bean roaster (perhaps one that had been cleaned with unwise amounts of bleach for the food industry) all day.

    I haven't seen a plank across the bathtub yet. I bet it would be easy to fill the boiler pot from the showerhead. =)
